Julie Sanduski

Julie Sanduski

Julie joined the PSL design team in February 2022, eager to apply her background in Product Design, UX, and Product Management to design and build out venture-scale companies.

Formerly at Microsoft and IDEO, Julie was awarded a yearlong residency with Adobe in 2019, where she explored product solutions to design out consumer food waste and tackle climate change. Her residence and interest in design + climate launched her freelance career, where she spent two years working with clients including Imperfect Foods, NY Sanitation, and Adobe prior to joining PSL. She holds a degree in Human-Centered Design from Tufts University, where she designed at hackathons, led outdoor trips, and had way too much coffee working for four years at a student-run coffee shop. 

Native to New York, she’s embraced her 5+ year reign as a PNW transplant by spending her weekends mushroom foraging, digging up razor clams, and dropping crab pots. She loves to woodwork, talk about how cool compost is and is an optimist, currently on a pursuit to build the perfect outdoor shower (despite living in a city known for its rain).

Fun images of their life